Job portal in Israel


Job portal in Israel

We developed a portal for job search and recruitment in Israel. We created a clean design, a simple navigation system, ensured the functionality and informativeness of the site, implemented a convenient submission of vacancies and resumes. Based on the specifics of the activity, we decided to develop a laconic design without interaction and unnecessary elements that distract attention. A light background was used as a basis, important information was divided into blocks, emphasizing the main thing - calls to action, headlines that carry value. The design was supplemented with thematic icons and illustrations. During the creation of the site, a simple navigation system, automation of e-mail mailings, integration of SRM, as well as a payment system were developed. For the convenience of users, a convenient system of registration, publication of new companies, resumes and submission of job applications was thought out.

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The creation of a job search and vacancy viewing site requires convenient functionality for the applicant and the employer with different functionality and an important point is the interaction of the two parties. On the site, we implemented sections for submitting vacancies, a catalog of companies, resumes, vacancies, a personal account, online chat, filters and newsletters. If you select the “Vacancies” item, the visitor will be taken to the page of all vacancies, and thanks to the filters, the applicant will be able to select the desired offer from the list by various categories: schedule, city, salary, etc.

Login and registration
The simpler the better, a separate requirement of the customer was the ability to log in to the site via Facebook and Google.

Personal office

In the applicant’s personal account on the main screen, there are a number of tabs: Cabinet, profile, my resume, feedback, favorites, subscription to the employer, notifications, messages, and system settings.

On the “Profile Management” page, all information about the applicant is indicated: full name, contact information, expectations from the vacancy and much more.
In the “responses and favorites” tab, you can find all the vacancies that interested the applicant, or those that were selected for further interaction.

The design was created in a clean style using white, red and blue colors, in the corporate style. The implementation of all modules covers the needs of the applicant and the employer. At the same time, the site administration has the opportunity to control each of them and not allow low-quality traffic to the site. The site is optimized for search results and loads quickly on any device.

The main purpose and ideology of the job search site is to work with applicants, i.e. people who want to find a job in the service sector (cleaning rooms in hotels, waiters, porters, programmers and lawyers, etc.). Target audience (CA) of future applicants: migrants and citizens of Israel who need to find a quality job or a transparent company.
