Branding for Kherson agricultural center «Bazar»


Branding for Kherson agricultural center «Bazar»

Development of visualization, branding, logo and promotional materials for the Kherson exhibition center "Bazar"

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Website «Bazar» agro trade center in Kherson

Creating a logo for the shopping center Bazar

Creating a logo for a mall plays a key role in the company’s branding process, ensuring its uniqueness among competitors. The logo is a visual symbol that conveys the values and characteristics of the organization and creates a first impression with the target audience. In the case of the Bazar shopping center, which specializes in agricultural products, the development of an agro logo was an important step in shaping the unique style and image of the company.

Creating a logo for the shopping center – a responsible process that requires careful analysis and creative approach. It needs to be simple, readable and scalable for use on a variety of platforms, including signage, billboards and websites. A team of professionals from Terentev Design Studio (TDS) carefully studied the basic principles of mall branding and features of the Bazaar. As a result, an original agro logo was designed, which is easy to remember and conveys the basic values of the company. The branding of the shopping center also emphasizes concern for nature and ecology, using a bright green color, which is associated with natural and fresh products.

In addition to the ag logo, an important part of the Bazaar mall branding is to create a unique identity for the company. Designers from Terentev Design Studio (TDS) created an original logo for the shopping center, using expressive colors, fonts and graphic elements, which help to increase recognition among customers and attract the attention of new customers. Branding also includes adapting the logo to different platforms and formats so that the company can stand out among competitors and attract a larger audience. The Bazaar mall logo is designed to be used on billboards, banners and websites, enhancing the company’s image and attracting the attention of customers.

Besides that, professionals from TDS Web Studio created a creative and original design for the web-site of Kherson Agro Center. Website carefully thought out in every detail and includes creative graphic elements, bright images, aesthetically pleasing fonts and harmonious color palette. This creates a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for customers, reflects the naturalness of the products and the professionalism of the Bazaar staff. The website also features the logo of the mall, which helps to distinguish the company among other agrarian enterprises and strengthens its recognizability.
